

高中英语词汇:高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy

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2011-05-27 01:26




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《高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

Words and expressions

fiction n. 小说;虚构
Fact [Truth] is stranger than fiction. (谚) 事实奇于小说。
belief n. sure feeling that something is true 信念;信仰;相信
She has lost her belief in religion. 她已不信仰宗教了。
league n. a unit of distance equal to 3.0 statute miles (4.8 kilometers)
里格 [长度单位,相当于3.0法定英里(4.8公里)]
n. group of persons or nations together for common goal联盟;社团
Are they League members? 他们是团员吗?
balloon n. bag that becomes bigger when filled with air or with gas and can float in the sky 气球
bulb n. 球状物;球茎;灯泡
make a living 谋生
botany n.[u] 植物学
apply v. use; put into practice应用;运用
We should apply theory to practice. 我们应当把理论运用到实践中去。
v. ask for 申请;请求
He applies to the consul for a visa. 他向领事申请签证。
applied adj.应用的;实用的
applied science 应用科学
foundation n. the act of starting the building of something 基础
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 农业是国民经济的基础。
n. the action of founding, establishing; placing on a basis建立
the foundation of a new school 创办一所新学校
servant n. someone who works in another person's house, cooking, cleaning, etc.
We should always be the servants of the people. 我们应该永远做人民的勤务员。
whale n.[c] a large fish like animal which lives in the sea 鲸
The whale is the largest animal in the world. 鲸是世界上最大的动物。
hunter n. someone who chases wild animals for food or sport猎人;搜索者
set out begin a journey; start 启程;出发;开始
We set out for the Western Hills at 10:30. 我们十点半出发去西山。
collision n. 碰撞[with, against]
His car had a collision with a truck. 他的车子与货车相撞。
n. (利害、意见、目的等的)不一致;冲突 come into collision (with...) (与…) 冲突/抵触/对立
companion n. someone who is with another person同伴;同伙
She seemed to be the companion of the young man. 她似乎是那青年的伴侣。
overboard adv. over the side of a ship or boat into the water向船外;从船上落(或抛)到水时
Don't throw that box overboard. 别把那只箱子抛入水中。
submarine n. ship that can travel under the sea 潜水艇
Some submarines carry many men and stay underwater for several weeks.
permanent adj. 永久的;固定的
permanent residence 永久住处
guest n. a visitor, someone whom you have invited客人;旅客
They are expecting a guest to dinner. 他们在等一位客人来吃饭。
voyage n. sea journey 航海;航行;航空
He made a voyage to Japan. 他航行至日本。
iron n.[u] strong hard metal 铁
Strike while the iron is hot. (谚)趁热打铁。
aboard prep. On, in, or into a ship(aeroplane,train, etc.)在船(飞机、火车)上;上船(飞机、火车)
They went aboard the ship. 他们上了船。
It's time to go aboard. 上船(飞机等)的时间到了。
lamp n.[c] thing that gives light灯
He worked for a whole night with the lamp lighted. 他点着灯,整整工作了一夜。
dislike vt. not to like, to hate 不喜欢;讨厌
I dislike being alone. 我不喜欢独居。
n.[c] a feeling of not liking 不喜欢;讨厌
I took a dislike to him. 我讨厌他。
prisoner n. a man who is locked in a prison 囚犯;俘虏
gentle adj. kind and friendly 温和的;温柔的
Mothers are gentle with their babies. 母亲对婴儿总是温柔体贴的。
adj. that moves softly; that feels soft轻柔的;柔和的
The gentle breezes rustled through the leaves. 微风穿过树叶吹了过来。
Iceland n. 冰岛
layer n. a thickness of some material which is laid on or spread over a surface层;地层
I have three layers of blankets on my bed in winter. 我冬天在床上铺三层毯子
marble n.[u] hard stone for statues and special buildings大理石(制品)
The temple had a marble floor. 教堂有大理石地板。
shore n. ground next to the sea or a big lake 岸;滨
The ship stopped a little way off the shore. 船停在离岸不远的地方。
luggage (总称)行李 =(美)baggage
three pieces of luggage 三件行李
in public where other people are, openly 当众;公开地
She is too shy to sing in public. 她很腼腆,不敢在众人面前唱歌。
throw light upon/on 阐明,使……明白/清楚
The fact throws light on the problem. 事实说明了这个问题。
brilliant adj. very clever 非常聪明的;才华横溢的
She is a brilliant student. 她是一个有才华的学生。
adj. very bright 光辉的;辉煌的;耀眼的
She is wearing a brilliant jewels. 她戴着耀眼的珠宝。
phenomenon n.[c] 现象;奇迹 (pl. phenomena )
A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. 彩虹是自然现象。
labour n.[u] hard work that you do with your hands 劳动;努力
It is necessary for us to take part in physical labour. 我们参加体力劳动是十分必要的。
hesitate v. to stop and consider before an action犹豫;踌躇
If you hesitate too much, you'll lose the game.
creation n.[u] making something 创造;建立
The creation of new playground will benefit the local children.
horror n.[u] great fear or dislike恐惧;恐怖
She ran away in horror from the snake. 她很恐怖地跑了,躲开那条蛇。
horrible adj. making one very afraid, very sad, of shocked 可怕的;恐怖的
Murder is a horrible crime. 谋杀是一种恐怖的罪行。
grave n. the place where a dead person is put in the ground 墓穴;坟墓
Is there life beyond the grave? 人还有来生吗?
cut up cut small; cut into pieces 切碎;切成小块
The cook is cutting up the meat. 厨子正在切肉。
butcher n. a man who sells meat卖肉者;屠夫
He is a butcher by trade. 他的职业是屠夫。
curtain n. piece of cloth that hangs in front of a window or a door 窗帘;门帘
Will you draw the curtain? 请你拉上窗帘好吗?
n. a large piece of heavy cloth which separates the stage of a theatre from the audience(舞台上)幕
The curtain dropped on the last scene. 幕在最后一场拉了下来。
lip n. one of the two soft front edges of the mouth 嘴唇;唇状物
She had a cigarette between her lips. 她嘴里叼着一支香烟。
brainstorm n. a sudden clever plan or idea 突然的灵感;突然想到的妙计/好办法 =brainwave(英)
vt. engage in or organize shared problem solving 献计献策
think of or produce (a solution to a problem, for example) by this method. 想出办法

《高二下学期词汇解析Unit12 Fact and fantasy》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/

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