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Unit 19-20, SBⅡ


1.make a decision做决定

2.over time 长期以来

3.bring in 引进

4.be harmful to对有伤害

5.be friendly to对友好

6.as well as 也;还

7.depend on依靠

8.be short of缺少;不足

9.a variety of种种

10.instead of代替

11.go against 违背

12.year after year 一年又一年

13.next to 隔壁;紧挨

14.pass on向下传

15.from generation to generation 一代又一代

16.at sunset 在太阳落山时




[用法一] vt.举起;抬起;扬起;升起

例1: The box is too heavy I can't raise it箱子太重我举不起来。

例2: At that time I thought I could never raise my head again那时我相我可能再也抬不起头了。

例3: The car raised a dust as it went by 轿车经过,扬起一阵尘。

例4: The soldiers raised a white flag士兵举起的白旗.

[用法二] vt 提高;提升

例1:The price was raised to $10.价格升到了10美元。

例2:Have you raised the wages?你长工资了吗?

[用法三] vt 提出

例如::May I raise a question before the meeting is close?散会前我可以提个问题吗?

[用法四] vt 养大;培养;饲养;种植

例1:They raised family in that village 他们养活那边村里的一家人。

例2:That's the way he was raised 他就是这样被养大的。

例3:The farmer raises cows and corn 那个农民养母牛,种玉米。

[用法五] vt 招募,筹集

例如:The foolish prince raised an army against his father



raise a (one's) glass to 为……祝酒

例如:He raised his glass to his teacher.他向老师祝酒


raise ,rise与lift的区别:raise, 作及物动词,表示由于人为的原因而"上升、提高"。Rise作不及物动词,多指由于自然现象的原因而"上升、提高"。Lift是指用休力或机械力把某物从地面举到一定的高度。

例1: The speaker raised his voice so that we could hear him


例2:As a result of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to rise by 63metres由于兴建了水坝,湖水的水面将升高63米。

例3:Can you lift the basket from the ground?你能把这个篮子从地上提起来吗?


[用法一] n.[U]时间,时候

例1: Time never stands still 时间不会停滞不前。

例2: The time has come for us to speak out 是我们大胆讲话的时候了。


例1:You have taken a long time writing the letter 你用了很长时间写这封信。

例2:We had a good time together 我们一起度过了愉快的时光。


例1: He is of the best actors in modern tines 他是现代最好的演员之一。

例2:In Shakespeare's time there were no actresses on the English stage 莎士比亚时代英国舞台上没有女演员。


例1:This is the first time that I have ever been abroad 这真是我第一次出国。

例2: Your room is three times the size of mine 你的房间是我的三倍大。

注意:作"倍,次",必顺用于"三次(倍"以上,一、二次(倍)用once, twice表示


例如:Three times five is fifteen



all the time 一直,总是 at the same time 同时

from time to time 间或,时常,in time 及时

on time 接时 at a time 一次,每次

at times 有时,不时 ahead of time 提前

once upon a time 从前 timetable 时刻表,功课表

take one's time 慢慢来,不着急

at one time (过去)有个时期,一度,同时

have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快


[用法一]vt 救,挽救

例如:The doctors managed to save his life from SARS医生经努力成功地把他从非典中抢救过来。

[用法二]vt 节省;节约,存钱,储蓄

例1:Doing this can save a lot of time and money 这样做可以节省大量的时间和费用。

例2:He's saving to buy a car 他正在存钱准备买车。

[用法三]vt 留下,保留,保住

例如:I've saved you the rooms you had 我把房子保住了。


[用法]n [U]忠告,劝告,建议

1)a piece of advice 一条建议,劝告

例如:If you take my advice and study hard, you will pass the exam如果你听劝,用功学习,你就会考试合格。

2)give some advice on 就某事提出意见

例如:In one of his books, he gave us some advice on how to learn a foreign language well 在他的一本书中,他就如何学好外语给了我们一些忠告。

3)follow/take one's advice 接受某人的意见

例如:He followed my advise and study hard 他接受了我的建议,努力学习。


advise v 劝告,忠告,建议

例1:The teacher advised buying a new dictionary 老师建议买一本新字典。

例2:The doctor advised her to stop smoking 医生劝好戒烟



例1:She had no life experience at all她没有一点生活经验

例2:She was a housewife with rich experience她是个经验丰富的家庭主妇。

[用法二]n. [C]经历,经过的事

例1: He has had more than one experience of prison他不止一次进过监狱。

例2:It was a week before he could tell his experiences 一个星期之后,他才能说出经历的事。


例如:The city has experienced changes 这个城市经历了变化。



例如:He fleshed a torch to guide me他打开手电筒给我引路。


例如:Their guide through the mountains was a young Indian



例如:Here's a guide to the British Museum 这儿有一本英国博物馆导游物册。


[用法一]v.允许,准许(后面接动名词结构,即allow doing)

例如:They don't allow paring in this street, which is too narrow


[用法二]v.允许,准许(后面接不定式的复合结构,即allow sb to do)

例如: Please allow me to introduce myself to you 请允许我向你们作自我介绍。


[用法一]n. [C]落日景象

例如:The sky was filled with the glow of the sunset 天空布满落日的光辉。


例如: We got home just before sunset 刚好在太阳下山前我们赶到家。


sunlight n.阳光(指光线) Sunday n.星期日

sunrise n.日出景象 sunshine n.阳光

sunny adj. 阳光灿烂

sunless adj. 不见阳光的,没有阳光的。

9.have an effects on

have an effect on有对……效果

例如: It had an almost immediate effect on his thinking


1)be in effect 有效,生效

例如: The coach says that players must be in bed by mid-night, and that rule is in effect tonight


2)come/go into effect 生效

例如: The law went into effect yesterday


3)take effect 生效,开始发生作用

例如:It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took effect


10.make decisions

make decisions=make a decision=decide决定

例如: I hope we can make a decision today


11.go against

例如:I'm not to go against my own family



be against 反对,违反,违背;不利于

例1: I knew she was against us 我知道她反对我们。

例2:Almost everything was against him几乎一切都对他不利。



例如:He spends a lot of money on books 他花许多钱买书.


spend…(in)doing sth.花(时间或金钱等)做某事

例如:The government will spend money looking after the patients 政府要花钱去照料那些病人

13.lead to

lead to 引起,造成,导致;通向

例1:Too much work and too little rest often lead to ill ness


例2: His carelessness led to the accident 他的粗心酿成这起事故.

例3:All roads lead to Rome 条条道路通罗马。


1)lead sb. to do 导致某人做某事

例如:What led you to believe it?什么使你相信它?

2)lead a…life 过着…的生活

例如:Many farmers in the west led a simple life 西部许多农民过着简朴的生活。

14.make use of

make use of 利用

例1:You should train them to make use of reference books 你应该训练他们使用参考书。

例2:Make good use of your rime 好好利用你的时间


1)use up 用完

例如:We used up all the bread at breakfast 早餐时我们把所有的面包都吃完了。

注意:use up 为"人"作主语;give out ("被用尽")为"物"作主语。

例如:All the bread gave out at breakfast (意思同上)

2)(be) in use 在使用

例如:The telephone is in use 电话占线.

3)out of use 不要使用,废弃

例1: This railway is out of use 这条铁路报废了。

例2: The custom has gone out of use 没有这种习俗了。

4)(be)of use 有用处,起作用

例如:I don't want it, but it may be of use to someone 我不要它了,可它也许对别人有用。

5)put to use 加以利用

例如:It is pity to throw anything away if it can be put to use 东西如果还可以用的话,丢掉就太可惜。

15.bring in

bring in 赚得,收获(庄稼);扯进来,请来;引入,增加

例1:She'll be bringing nothing in for a long time 很长一段时间她都不会有收获。

例2:The sale brought in over $200这笔买卖赚了200美元。

例3:It is my own act Why do you bring my mother in?


例4:We can bring in some humour我们可以加些幽默。


bring down 使倒下

例如:Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches 电线和电话杆都被吹到的树或树枝打倒了。

bring up教育:呕吐

例1: We were brought up to respect the old


例2:He was so ill that he brought up everything


16.be of use

be of use有用

例如:A dictionary is of help to us 字典对我们有用。

17.be harmful to

be harmful to 对…有害

例如:Is this harmful to animals?这对动物有害吗?

18..depend on

depend on/upon 依靠,依赖

例1:Health depends on good food ,fresh air and e-nough sleep


例2:I knew he wasn't to be depended upon我知道他不可靠

例3:The price depends on the quality 价格取决于质量.

19.as well as

as well as同,和,也;既……也……

例1: John can speak Chinese as well as French 约翰会说法语,也会说中文。

例2:It is important for you as well as for me 它不仅对我重要,对你也是一样。

例3:We shall travel by night as well as by day 我们白天、晚上都要赶路。


1)as well也,和

例如:I'm going to London and my sister is coming as well


2)do well 做得好,长得好

例1:He did very well at the school他在学校表现很好。

例2:Everything in the garden is doing well院子里的植物长得很好.

3)speak well of 赞扬

例如:I have heard both English and Indians speak well of him


20.protect from

protect from保护……使不受

例1:He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow他抬起胳膊保护着脸免受伤害。

例2:Use an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain, please


21.a variety of

a variety of 各种各样的、多种多样的

例如:He offered a variety of excuses 他找了各种借口。

22.work on

work on 从事;对……做工作;对……产生影响

例1:He sat up far into the night working on the docu-ments


例2:Work on your father until he agrees 去说服你父亲同意。

例3:Some pills work on the nerves and make people feel more relaxed有些药片对神经起作用,使人感觉更轻松.


1)work out 使……出来;制定;算出

例1:The coin has fallen through a hole in the pocket I'll see if I can work it out 硬币掉进口袋的洞里了,我看看是否能弄出来。

例2:We must work out a better method of saving paper 我们必顺制定更好的方法节约纸张。

例3;Have you worked out the exact figures?你们算出具体的数据了吗?

2)work as当,做……工作

例如:It must be a hard life when she worked as a nurse during the SARS time她在非典时期的护士生活肯定很艰苦。

3)work at 致力于

例如:He is working at a new invention 他正在研究一项新的发明.

23.instead of

instead of 代替

例1:I'll go instead of you 我代替你去。

例2:We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator


例3:It's me that should ask you instead of you asking me



instead of 和instead的区别:

instead of 后面接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语;instead

例如:I don't like this one Give me that instead


24.year after year

year after year年复一年

例如:year after year I have had a card from him on New Year's Day每个新年我都收到他的贺卡。


1)all the year round 整年地,一年到头

例如:The weather is so good here that we can swim all the year round 这里天气是那么好,以致于我们整年都可以游泳。

2)year by year 年年,每年

例如:The birds like the cool wet climate there and thus their number increased year by year 那些鸟喜欢那里凉爽潮湿的气候,因而数量在逐年增加。

25.make fun of

make fun of取笑;嘲笑

例1:People made fun of her because she wore such a strange hat.大家嘲笑她,因为她戴了一顶很奇怪的帽子。

例2:It's impolite to make fun of the disabled. 嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。


1)make a face(make faces)做鬼脸

例如:The boy always made faces to make others laugh.这男孩总是做鬼脸让人发笑。

2)make a mistake(make mistakes)犯错误

例如:You should avoid making mistakes in writing your composition.你在写作文时要避免犯错误。

3)make a sentence造句

例如:Can you make a sentence by using the word "make"?你能用"make"这个词造句吗?

4)make a fire生火

例如:Let's make a fire to warm up.我们生个火吧,暖和一下吧。

5)make the bed铺床(准备睡)

例如:The child learned how to make the bed with his mother's help.这孩子在他妈妈的帮助下学会了铺床。

26. act out

act out使演出;表演

例1:You should first write a short play according to the reading material used, then help your students act is out.首先你应当按照所使用的阅读材料编一个短剧,然后帮助学生把它演出来。

例2:It's a good idea to act out short plays in English while you learn English.在学英语时,演英语短剧是一个好主意。


1)act as担当……

His brother acts as a teacher.他哥哥是一位教师。

2)be active in…积极参加……

He is active in different activities. 他积极参加各种活动。

3. look on…as

look on…as把……当作……,认为……是……

例如:We look on him as our best friend.我们认为他是我们的好朋友。


"认为……是……"也可说成regard…as; consider…as; consider…to be; treat…as, see…as; think of…as。

27. at one moment

an one moment在一瞬间

例如:He didn't know what to do at one moment.一下子他不知道要干什么。


1)in a moment一会儿

例如:He'll he here in a moment.他一会儿就来。

2)at that moment在那时刻

例如:She was busy at that moment. 那时她正忙着呢。

3)at any moment 随时

例如:The car will be here at any moment.汽车随时都会来。

4)at the moment眼下

例如:I'm afraid the book is at school at the moment.我想那本书眼下在学校里。

5)for the moment暂时

例如:Let's leave the question for the moment.我们把这个问题暂时搁一搁吧。




例1:It is foolish of you to be still worrying about it.


例2:It's no use talking to him about it.


例3:It is very likely that their group will get ahead f us.



例1:-Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门?

-It's me. 是我。

例2:It's rather windy today. 今天风挺大。

例3:It was October. 时间是十月份。

例4:It is about a night's journey to the place by train.


例5:It was very quiet at the moment. 此时很安静。


强调名的结构为It + be +要强调的部分 + that (who)+句子其他部分。在这种情况中,it 没有实际意思,它只是帮助改变一个句子的结构,使某一成分受到强调。以下句为例,借助it 可以改为几个强调句。

例1:Yang Jun met your sister in the zoo yesterday


例2: It was Yang Jun who/that met your sister in the zoo yesterday 是杨军昨天在动物园碰到你妹妹的。

例3:It was your sister that/whom Yang Jun met in the zoo yesterday 杨军昨天在动物园碰到的是你妹妹。

例4:It was in the zoo that Yang Jun met your sister yesterday 杨军昨天是在动物园碰到你妹妹的。

例5: It was yesterday the Yang Jun met your sister in the zoo 杨军是昨天在动物园碰到你妹妹的。


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