茶花(学名:Camellia sp.)又名山茶花,是山茶科、山茶属多种植物和园艺品种的通称。花瓣为碗形,分单瓣或重瓣,单瓣茶花多为原始花种,重瓣茶花的花瓣可多达60片。茶花有不同程度的红、紫、白、黄各色花种,甚至还有彩色斑纹茶花,而花枝最高可以达到4米。性喜温暖、湿润的环境。花期较长,从10月份到翌年5月份都有开放,盛花期通常在1-3月份。因其植株形姿优美,叶为浓绿绿而光泽,花形艳丽缤纷,而受到世界园艺界的珍视。
Camellia (scientific name: Camellia sp.), also known as thea flower, is a general term of many varieties and horticultural species in the thea or camellia family. Taking on the shape of a bowl, it is divided into the single petal or double petal in terms of petal: those with the single petal are mostly the primitive varieties and the number of petals of the double-petal flower can reach up to 60. It takes on various colors to different degrees—red, purple, white and yellow and even colors with streaks. The flowering branch can be as high as 4m. With an inclination for a warm and humid environment, it is featured by longer florescence ranging from October to May (the peak florescence usually ranges from January to March). It is valued in the world horticulture circle for its elegant shape, dark green leaves with luster and colorful flowers.