Unit One: Company Operation and Management 公司运作和管理
1.7 Logistics物流
Logistics strategy 物流战略
Logistics system 物流系统
Transport of goods 货物运输
Operational efficiency 经营效率
Procurement 采购,调拨,调配
Cultural taboo 文化禁忌
Perspective 观点,视点,看法
Information systems 信息系统
Logistics network 物流网络
物流战略规划主要解决四个方面的问题:客户服务目标(client service goals)、设施选址战略( logistics location strategy)、库存决策战略( Inventory decision strategy)和运输战略(transport strategy)。在物流战略规划过程中一个重要的问题就是什么时候应该对网络进行规划或什么时候应该重新规划。如果当前还没有物流系统,显然需要进行物流网络规划。若物流系统已经存在,需要决定的是修改现有网络还是继续运行旧的网络。在进行实际规划之前,对此无法给出明确的答案,但可以提出网络评估和审核的一般准则。这些准则包括五个核心方面:需求(demand)、客户服务(customer service)、产品特征(product features)、物流成本(logistics cost)和定价策略(pricing strategy)。
What’s important when…? Developing logistics strategies 制定物流策略需要考虑哪些要点? 1.Customer service levels 客户服务水平 2.Information management 信息管理 |
At its heart, logistics deals with satisfying the customer. Customer service is the most important output of an organization’s logistics system. Because next to product quality, customer service is another important factor why customers decide to do business with you. You have to know exactly the needs and expectations of your customers, so that you can design the logistics system necessary to deliver the required level of service.
Logistics is about managing the flow of materials and the flow of information. Decisions cannot be made without having appropriate information. And information is also important in tracking product flow through the logistics pipelines. So designing and implementing information systems to support the logistics network is critical.
Cultural issues in global logistics国际物流中的文化问题 The company you work for is relocating some logistics managers abroad and is designing a training course for them on cultural issues in logistics. You have been asked to advise on this training course. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
1.how important it is to consider cultural differences in the logistics process
2.what cultural aspects should be included in the training course
(1)Cultural differences have impact on different areas of logistics. For example, people from different cultural backgrounds have different working styles, and in going global, you need to learn their ways of looking at things and their ways of interpreting business relationships.
(2)logistics system can’t clash with the culture of the target market and respect for the native culture is extremely important. So we also need to consider cultural taboos. For example, in countries like Japan and China, customers don’t like goods packed in four together, as “four” is regarded as an unlucky number.
(3)we should also acquaint our logistics professionals with differences in language , laws and social customs.