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  加拿大动画女导演特里尔-科夫(Torill Kove)指导的动画短片《丹麦诗人》(The Danish Poet)获得了第79届奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖




  我的父母的相遇纯属偶然,这也是许多年前的一系列事情的结果,在哥本哈根的一个小公寓,住着一个叫加斯帕·约根森 的丹麦诗人。加斯帕很害怕没有灵感,他经常想不到东西写,所以他去见默克先生,他是这种问题的专家。




  加斯帕开始考虑去挪威度假,他在图书馆翻到一本书,叫做《斯堪的纳维亚的困惑》,书里写到一些瑞典名人实际上来自挪威、一些挪威名人实际是丹麦人,之类的事情。这样,他发现了挪威作家,西格丽德 温赛特,原籍丹麦,她写了伦理小说“克丽丝汀 拉弗兰斯达忒三部曲”,并因此获得了诺贝尔文学奖,“克丽丝汀 拉弗兰斯达忒”是关于克丽丝汀的故事,她与西蒙订婚,但克丽丝汀爱上了厄兰德,她和西蒙分手嫁给了厄兰德,违抗了她父亲的意思,为这宿命般的选择,她悔恨终身,无论多少次赤着脚、怀着身孕,从家中步行前往尼德罗斯大教堂去朝圣,她都无法原谅自己。

  这部小说深深打动了加斯帕,他给西格丽德 温赛特写了封信:












  加斯帕:“我是西格丽德 温赛特的书迷,我正准备去利勒哈默尔拜访她。”

  鲁登伯格:“真巧,她是我们家亲戚,我三表哥的妹夫是西格丽德 温赛特叔公的外甥女的丈夫的爷爷”







  “也不尽然,”因为英格伯格也看“克丽丝汀 拉弗兰斯达忒”知道违抗父亲的意志也许会永远活在悔恨的阴影中。







  加斯帕试着去写,但没人在乎他悲伤的诗篇,他重读了“克丽丝汀 拉弗兰斯达忒”,一遍又一遍,好像他的忧伤可以在1500页的书中找到解药。






  英格伯格的生活平静如水,直到有一天,西格丽德 温赛特死了。











  加斯帕不喜欢见到死亡,但他还是参加了西格丽德 温赛特的葬礼,他很高兴去了,因为在那里,他和英格伯格重逢了……







  要是没有丹麦诗人和西格丽德 温赛特、挪威的夏日雨夜、滑溜溜的谷仓睡铺、粗心的邮递员、饥饿的山羊、弄伤了拇指和拥挤的火车,我的父母就根本不会相遇,谁知道呢,我也许还是一粒小种子,在太空中飘来飘去,等着有人来将我带走……

  The Danish Poet

  I used to think that everybody was adopted from out space,That before we were born we were just little speeds floating around in the sky, waiting for someone to come and get us.The selection process was random and there’s no rhyme or reason as to who our parents would be .

  In a way I was right, because our parents’ meeting.

  My parents met completely by chance due to a chain of events that was set in motion many years ago,in a small apartment in Copenhagen. In this apartment, there lived a Danish poet called KasperJorgensen . kasper was so worried about running out of ideas that he often could not think anything to write .

  He therefore went to see Dr Murk who specialized in this problem .

  Dr.Murk-- “Why don’t you go on a holiday ? G some fresh air?”

  Kasper-- “Where can you go on a holiday if you don’t have any money? And you don’t speak French ?”

  Dr.Murk-- “what about Norway?It’s cheap and ther’re practically Danish.”

  Casper began to searchu Norwegian holiday possibilities.At the libraby he came across a book called about famous Swedes who were actually Norwegian,and famous Norway who were actually Danish,and so on……This is how he discoered the Norwegian writer Sigrid un Undset who was originally Danish. She had written the ethic novel Kristin lavransdatter and won the nobel prize for literature. Kristin lavransdatter is the story of Kristin who was engaged to Simoon But Kristin fall in love withErland ,And she breaks up with Simon and marries Erlend against her father’s will. She regrets this fatefull decision for the rest of her life. And never forgives herself no matter how many times she walks bare foot and pregnant pilgrim to the Nidadros Cathedral. This novel so profoundly moved kasper that he wrote a letter to Sigrid Undset.

  “Dear Mrs.Undeset,

  I am a Danish poet . may I please come and visit you in Norway for inspiration.

  Best regards.

  Casper Jorgensen”

  “Dear Mr.Jorgensen,

  I could use a bit inspiration myself nowadays.Please come and visit me anytime.

  Best regards.

  Sigrid Undeset”

  And so it was Kasper went on holiday to Norway just as Dr.Murk described.

  Kasper went to the nearest farm to ask for the shelter.

  Kasper--"I am a great admirer of Sigrid Undset and I'm on my way to Lillehammer to visit here. "

  Ludenberg--"What a coincidence!My family is related to here. My third cousin's brother in law was Sigrid Undset's great uncle's niece's husband's grandfather."

  Kasper--"So your family was originally from Danmark?"

  Ludenberg--"Well perhaps we're all originally from Danmark."

  Kasper was offered food and shelter until the rain stopped.Puddle often happens in Norway.The rain never really stopped.Kasper did not mind at all,for Ludenberg had a beautiful daughter called Enigberg who attended to the chickens and romantically mapped the stars above the farm.

  The summer romance was in full bloomo when Kasper wrote a poem——Enigberg you've changed my life.Enigberg please be my wife.

  She explained that although she would like to marry him she was actually already engaged to the farmer across the valley.He was the son of her father's best friend and a well respected memeber of the community.And August wedding was planned.

  "This is exactly like when Kristin Lavransdatter can't marry Eriend because she's engaged to Simon. But then she breaks up with him and marries Erlend anyway inspite of her father's stern objection. "

  "Not exactly"

  For Enigberg had also read Kristin Lavransdatter and knew that disobeying one's father would lead to a life lived in the shadows of guilt and regret.

  Enigberg gave Kasper a lock of her hair and promised that she would not cut it until they were rounded.

  He forget all about his intended vistit to Sigrid Unset, and returned to Danmark.

  Heart-broken and empty-handed,but the lock of his beloved's hair.

  Kasper--"How can I write when I feel so sad? "

  Dr.Murk--"Some people think that's the best time. "


  Kasper tried to write but nobody cared about his sad poetry.

  He reread Kristin Lavransdatter again and again as if cure for his broken heart could be found somewhere between the 1500 pages.

  Enigberg was unhappy too when she regret that she had not disobeyed her father and married Kasper .

  “You’d better cut your hair before I trip in it and twist my annie. ”said her husband.

  “There’re worst things in life than a twist anklet, “answered Enigberg .

  And then something much worse did happen..


  Enigberg immediately wrote a letter to Kasper telling him that she was now free to marry him .

  But Kasper never received the letter.

  And Enigberg waited in vain for his reply.

  Meanwhile Enigberg’s hair grew and grew .She decided to employ little children in the neighbourhood to comb and brush for her.One of them there was a little girl who was exceptionally good and arranging Enigberg’s hair and complicated braid and knots and elegant beehives .Her name was Veslamei .And she became Enigberg’s favourite hair dresser .

  Enigberg life passed uneventfully for years until the day that Sigrid Undset died .

  Veslamei --“You must go to the funeral.”

  Enigberg—“Why ? ”

  Veslamei—“Because she was your relative.

  Enigberg—“But she was Danish.””

  “When a relative dies you go to the funeral wheather she’s Danish or not at all,.”said Veslamei,


  Kasper was grief-stricken by the death of his favourite author.

  Dr.Murk-- “You must go to the funeral.”

  Kasper--“But it’s in Norway.”

  Dr.Murk-- “Just go . ”

  Kasper did not like being reminded of death.But he went to see Sigrid Undset’s funeral anyway.And was glad he did because there he was finally reunited with Enigberg .

  Enigberg—“Great,now I can finally cut my hair”

  Kasper—“Are you nuts?I love your hair.”

  Kasper quickly became living proof that some poets are better off happy than sad. He published a poetry collection called “Joy and Happiness.”which was translated to call Scadinavian languages and became the best seller of South.Enigberg was happy too,but she was going to increasingly concerned about her split ends.When Kasper one day tripped in her ungraded hair and broke his thumb,she saw an opportunity.

  She called Veslamei who was no longer a little girl but a young woman.She understood the urgency of the situation and jumped on the next train to Oslo to take the ferry to Copenhagen. The only available seat was next to a young man who was reading Kasper’s Joy and Happiness. His name was Pete .And he told Veslamei that he was going to Copenhagen for inspiration and to meet Kasper Jorgenson who was his favourite poet.

  “That’s quite a coincidence.”said Veslamei

  It remains to be said that Veslamei get Enigberg a flattering haircut.

  That Pete visit to Copenhagen was very inspiring.

  That Kasper’s thumb healed nicely and last but not least that Pete and Veslamei fell in love with each other.

  Some time later,they became my parents.

  If it had not been for the Danish poet and Sigrid Undset, the rainy summer in Norway, the slippery barn plant, the careless mailman, a hungry goat, a broken thumb and a crowded train, my parents might have never met at all. And who knows. I might still be a little seed flating around in the sky waiting for someone to come and get me.

  A film by Torill Kove

  Narrated by Liv Ullmann

  Music: Kevin Dean

  Animation: Torill Kove Astrid Aakra Bjarte Agdestein

  Additional animation: Stephanie Duong Yin Ko Lee Siv Nordsveen Anja Ruud Magnhild Winsnes

  Animation assistance: Helene Bisgaard ……

  Colour design and additional backgrounds: Anne Ashton

  Digital imagine: Randall Finnerty

  Additional digital colour: Ketil Bruun Andersen Yin Ko Lee……

  Scanning: Jean-Marc Brosseau

  Digital imaging consultation: Martin Ciastro Sue Ciastro Sue Gourley

  Editing: Phyllis Lewis

  Sound: Hakon Lammetun

  Musicians: Kevin Dean Sienna Dahlen Carlos Jimeneg

  Music recording: Andre White

  Mix: Norsk Filmstudio As

  Lab: Nordisk Film Post Production As

  Special thanks: ……

  Production coordination: Julie Laperriere Richard Lesage

  Administration(Mikrofilm): Lise Fearnley

  Administration(NFB): ……

  Executive producers:……


  Produced with the participation of Norwegian Film Fund

  Short film consultant Eva Farevaag

  Nordic Film and TV Fund

  Consultant Kristin Ulseth

  A co-production of Mikrofilm AS

  National Film Board of Canada







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