习作题目 1
假如你是诺基亚驻中国办事处人力资源部职员 Black ,请你用英语给一位名叫李琳的求职者写一封回信,通知她人力资源部主任将与她面谈,写信日期三月十日。
1. 面谈于三月二十二日上午九点半在主任办公室进行;
2. 谈话内容包括求职动机、有何特长(懂几门外语)及录用后的打算等;
3. 一周后体检;
4. 是否录用于四月初告知。
1. 书信须包括上述要点,但不能逐字翻译。
2. 注意书信格式。
3. 词数: 100 左右。
Nokia Company China
March 10,2003
Dear Li Lin,
We are very happy to have heard from your letter. I'm Black, a clerk of the Personal Department. Now I'll tell you a good news. Our director is going to have a talk with you in his office at 9:30 in the morning of March 22. You'll have to answer the following questions:
1. Why do you want to work in our company?
2. What are you good at?
3. How many foreign languages are you familiar with?
4. What do you want to do if you are accepted by our company?
What's more, you'll have a medical examination in a week. We'll let you know the result at the beginning of April.
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
( 1 ) heard from your letter 是汉语式英语,应改为 heard from you 或 received your letter .
( 2 ) news 是不可数名词,“一则消息”应为“ a piece of news ”。
( 3 )表示具体一天的上午、下午或晚上用介词 on .把“ in the morning of ”改为“ on the morning of ”。
( 4 )本句是过渡句,巧妙引出下文,很好!
( 5 )由于考生合理使用了“迂回”和“分句”的技巧,这四句话克服了专业词汇和较长语句的束缚,既通俗易懂,又表达清楚,妙!
习作题目 2
假如你叫 John Smith ,请就如下内容给 Bob Geldof 写一封信。
1. 你已于昨天收到他的邀请信。
2. 从来信中,你得知 Bob Geldof 为了帮助非洲的穷人,已向非洲的一些国家寄了一大笔钱,而现在正在准备组织一些著名的歌唱家举行音乐会,以便能募集更多的资金。
3. 为了支持他的工作,表示对他的尊敬,你愿意接受他的邀请,参加下周在伦敦举行的音乐会。
4. 祝愿音乐会成功。
May 1,2003
Dear Bob,
I have received your invitation to an important concert for one day. From your letter I know that you have already sent a big number of money to African countries to help the poor people. Now you are organizing some famous singers to hold a concert so as to collecting more money. In order to support you, express my respect to you, I'm ready to attend the concert holding in London next week.
May the concert successful.
John Smith
本习作要点基本齐全(除漏掉要点 1 外),语言较为流畅,格式也正确,特别是在时态运用方面恰当,显示了学生良好的语言素养。但存在着语法、搭配或表达上的错误。
( 1 )此处为固定用法“……的请柬” the invitation to……
( 2 ) for one day 一段时间,而 receive 是非延续性动词,此句应改为: I received your invitation yesterday 或者改为 I have had your invitation for one day.
( 3 )修饰 money 应用 a lot of 或 a large sum of money (一大笔钱)。
( 4 ) so as to 其中 to 为动词不定式符号,此句应改为 so as to collect more money .
( 5 )此外缺少了连接词 and .补上 and 才能使上下句连贯,行文流畅。
( 6 ) hold 在句中作定语,应用过去分词 held 表被动意义。
( 7 )在( 5 )( 6 )之间缺少要点 accept your invitation.
( 8 ) May the concert succeed 表祝愿, may 后接动词原形。