摘要: 1) 如果从句所叙述的为真理或不变的事实,则永远用现在时。 At that time, people did not know that the earth moves. He told me last week that he is eighteen. 2) 宾语从句中的助动词ought, need, must, dare
重点中学考什么我们就教什么。乐加乐连续五年蝉联北京小升初英语第一 2010年800多学……[详细]
1) 如果从句所叙述的为真理或不变的事实,则永远用现在时。
At that time, people did not know that the earth moves.
He told me last week that he is eighteen.
2) 宾语从句中的助动词ought, need, must, dare 时态是不变的。
He thought that I need not tell you the truth.
课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班小学六年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班小学六年级英语提高班 10 1670 暑期班小学六年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班小学六年级英语提高班 10 1670 暑期班小学六年级英语尖子班 10 1670
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