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  Remarks by the First Lady and the President at the Kids" State Dinner

  State Dining Room

  MRS. OBAMA: I see tears. (Laughter.) I do. Wow, Abby,amazing. We're so proud of you. Man, good stuff! Very goodstuff.

  You guys, welcome to the White House. Let’s say that again -- welcome to the White House! (Applause.)

  This is the whole house’s favorite event -- the Kids’ State Dinner. Look at this place. Do you knowhow many people put time and effort into making this as amazing as it can be for you? So let’sgive everyone who helped put this event together a wonderful round of applause. (Applause.)

  And I want to again thank Abby for her amazing introduction, but more importantly, for listeningto what I said about paying it forward. I thank you. (Laughter.) I need you to talk to mychildren. (Laughter.) Listen to me. (Laughter.) Abby, great job. So proud of you, babe, really.

  I also want to thank PBS and WGBH Boston for their tremendous generosity in sponsoring ourKids’ State Dinner and our Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. So I want to give them another round ofapplause. (Applause.)

  And, of course, to Tanya. Tanya, this is just a great partnership. You are amazing. There youare. The work you do is amazing. And it’s always so much fun seeing you here at this event. Thank you for everything that you do year after year.

  I also want to acknowledge all the folks from the Department of Education and the Department ofAgriculture. They make a fabulous set of partners on so much of the work that we do. And Iknow we have representatives from those departments here, so I want to thank you all for thegreat work that you do. Well done.

  And how about we give a shout-out to the parents and siblings and grandparents who -- yes -- (laughter) -- who got you all here today. Let’s give them a round of applause. (Applause.) Wewant to say officially thank you, families, for encouraging these young people -- even when theymade a mess in the kitchen. But I’m sure they cleaned up, too. Right? (Laughter.) Thank youall. Thank you for raising and being part of raising such wonderful young men and women. Andit's wonderful to have you all here. They couldn't do it without you and without that support. Sowe are celebrating you all as well.

  And finally, most of all, congratulations to all of this year’s 55 Healthy Lunchtime Challengewinners! (Applause.) That’s you! And you, and you! Yes! Just so that our press understands --welcome press -- (laughter) -- all our young press people. This is the only time we let kids in thepress pool. You guys do your jobs. Do your jobs over there. Don’t let the grown-ups push youout of the way. (Laughter.)

  Nearly 1,000 kids entered this contest -- 1,000! Right? This was a real competition. But aftercountless hours of prepping and taste-testing your recipes, our panel of distinguished judges --some of whom are here today, including Deb -- she ate every bite -- (laughter) -- decided thatyour meals were the healthiest, tastiest, and most fun dishes to cook and to eat!



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