

中考英语复习:2010年中考英语必备 常考的29组近义词语辨析

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2011-06-04 15:26




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《2010年中考英语必备 常考的29组近义词语辨析》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。


1.Uncle Wang _____ us a story last night.(1997重庆)

A. spoke B. told C. said D. talked

2.“Can you ______ Chinese, Mr. Smith?” “Yes, but just a little.”(2000海淀区)

A. talk B. speak C. tell D. say


1.-There must be something wrong with the TV.(黑龙江)

-I’m afraid you may be right. I think we can _____ it in Uncle Wang’s home.

A. see B. look at C. watch

2.There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out and _____ around, but she _____ nothing.

A. looked, saw B. saw, saw C. watched, looked D. looked, find


1.“Now, ______ to me carefully.”said the teacher.(1997新疆)

A.look B. see C. hear D. listen

2.Young People enjoy ______ pop music.(2000泉州)

A. listen to B. to listen to C. hearing D. listening to


1.Trucks _______ all kinds of goods here and there. (1997上海)

A. carry B. take C. bring D. hold

2.-Will you show us the photos?

-OK. I’ll _____ them here tomorrow.(2000宁波)

A. take B. carry C. bring D. get

5、表示“到达”的reach、 arrive、 get:

1. When they _____ at the village, it was already eleven o’clock.(1997天津)

A. arrived B. reached C. got D. came

2. Please write to me as soon as you ______ Shanghai.(2001天津)

A. arrive B. reach C. got to D. come

3. All the teachers and students were tired when they _____ the top of the mountain.

A. got B. arrived C. climbed D. reached (1999武汉)


1. Will you _____ me your pencil? Mine is broken.(1996成都)

A. borrow B. lend C. take

2. -How long can the book _____, Miss Gao?

-For two weeks, I think.(2000宁波)

A. borrow B. be borrowed C. keep D. be kept

7、no one none nothing

1. ______ knows what has happened to him. ____ of us has seen him.

2. _______ likes a person with bad manners.

3. “How many birds are there in the tree?” “ ______.”

4. “Who are you speaking to?” “ ________.”

5. “What’s in the box?” “ ________.”

6. _________ of the fruit is delicious.

7. Will you give me some water? There is _____ in the cup.

8、so such

1. This book is ___interesting that I have read it twice.

2. Don’t be in ____ a hurry.

3. He is ____ a kind person that we all like him.

4. I hope never to have another _____ experience.

5. There are no _______ words as those in the dictionary.

6. This is ____ expensive a car that I can’t afford it.(改写)

9、very quite much rather

1. This room is ______ clean.

2. It takes _____ a long time.

3. It takes a _____ long time.

4. I ______ agree with you.

5. I’m ____ sorry to hear that.

6. Math is _______ too difficult to me.

7. It is ______ colder today than yesterday.

8. I don’t like football ______.

9. Eating too ______ sugar is bad for your teeth.

10、leave away

1. The train ______ five minutes ago.

2. The train has ________ for five minutes.

3. How long _____ you _______ from school last term?

4. That small town is about five kilometers _____.

11、leave (left) forget

1. Sorry I _____ my homework at home

2.I ________ to bring my homework to school.

3. The woman ______ all her things in that restaurant.

12、leave stay

1. She has to go out but she can’t ______ her son by himself.

2. He is ill and he has to ______ at home.

3. There is little time _____. Hurry up!

13、in the end at the end by the end to the end

1. How many English words had you learned ____________ the end of last year?

2. They went to visit the museum _____________ the end of last month.

3. Go up this road _______________ the end.

4. ________________ the end of the road you’ll find the hospital.

5. He tried many ways of making money and ____________________ the end he

became a businessman.

6. The war lasted four years. ____ the end the North won.

7. We will have graduated from junior middle school ___________ the end of this June.

14、marry get married be married

1. She _______ a man with a lot of money.

2. A famous football player ___________ her.

3. Tom and Mary _____ last year.

4. Tom and Mary has ___________ for a year.

5*Tom has been married _____ Mary for a year.

15、 a number of the number of

1._______ number of pages in this book ________ (be) two hundred.

2._______ number of students _______ gone to watch traffic.

3. There are_______number of people over there, watching the traffic accident.

4. Which language is spoken by the _______ number of people in the world? (最多)

《2010年中考英语必备 常考的29组近义词语辨析》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com

  想了解更多英语词汇网的资讯,请访问: 英语词汇

《中考英语复习:2010年中考英语必备 常考的29组近义词语辨析.doc》








