

高中英语词汇:高一上学期词汇解析Unit6 Good manners

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2011-06-04 04:13




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《高一上学期词汇解析Unit6 Good manners》由留学liuxue86.com编辑整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

Words and expressions

interrupt v. speak while someone else is speaking or doing something 打断
His speech was constantly interrupted by applause. 他的讲话不时被掌声打断。
v. stop something for a time 中断;阻碍
Traffic was interrupted by a snow storm. 交通被暴风雪阻断。
apologise vi. to say one is sorry 道歉[=apologize<美>]
He apologised for taking my hat. 他因为拿错了我的帽子而道歉。
fault n. responsibility for being wrong 过失;过错
Whose fault is it that we are late? 我们迟到是谁的过失?
n. something which is wrong,a mistake 缺点;错误
In spite of all his faults, he is still a good comrade. 尽管他有种种缺点,他还是位好同志。
introduce vt. bring people together for the first time and tell each of them the name of the other 介绍
Permit me to introduce myself. I'm from the Chinese Embassy.
vt. to start;to bring in 引进;传入
Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 A. D. 佛教是在公元六十七年传入中国的。
apology n. something one says to apologise 道歉
He made an apology to the guests for the oversight. 他因招待不周向客人道歉。
forgive v. not to punish someone who has done something wrong 原谅;宽恕 (forgave; forgiven)
Forgive me for coming so late. 原谅我来得这么晚。
oops int. 哎哟
culture n. development of the arts and sciences in society 文化;文明
Universities are centres of culture. 大学是文化中心。
manner n.[u] way something happens; way you do something 方式,方法
He may do it in this manner. 他可以照这个样子做。
manners n. general way you behave when other people are there 礼貌;规矩
Good manners are admired everywhere. 有礼貌到处都会得到赞赏。
impression n.[c] thoughts or feelings that you have about something 印象;感想
I had a very good impression of him. 我对他的印象极好。
toast n. piece or pieces of bread that you have grilled so that they are brown and crisp 烤面包
two slices of toast 两片烤面包
n. to drink a toast 干杯;祝酒
give a toast to the bride and bridegroom 为新娘和新郎举杯祝酒
v. make brown by heat烤;烘
Please toast the bread. 请把面包烤一烤。
v. hold up a glass of wine and wish someone happiness, etc. 举杯祝愿
The wedding guests toasted the bride and bridegroom. 参加婚礼的客人举杯向新娘新郎祝贺。
behave v. 表现;举止
The child behaved well [badly] at school. 这孩子在校行为良好[不佳]。
The soldiers behaved themselves well in battle. 士兵们在战斗中表现得很英勇。
napkin n. piece of cloth used at meals for protecting clothing, for wiping the lips, etc. 餐巾;餐巾纸
I put a napkin by my plate. 我把一条餐巾放在碟子旁边。
roll n.[c] a small cake or biscuit 面包卷;卷饼
We had sweet rolls and milk for breakfast. 我们早餐吃了甜面包卷和牛奶。
n.[c] something that you have folded over and over 卷状物
Give me that roll of string for my kite. 把我的那卷风筝线递给我。
vt. to move by turning over and over 滚动
The boys rolled a huge snow ball. 孩子们滚了个大雪球。
dessert n. fruit, sweet pudding, etc, that you eat at the end of a meal 甜点心
We had ice cream for dessert. 我们饭后吃了冰淇淋。
unfold vt. 展开 <折叠的东西等>
unfold a map [fan] 展开地图 [打开扇子]
The story gradually unfolded itself. 故事 (的情节) 渐渐地展开。
lap n. top part of your legs when you are sitting (坐着时)大腿前面部分;膝盖
The mother held her baby on her lap. 母亲把婴儿抱在膝上。
damp adj. not thoroughly dry; rather wet潮湿的
The Indian began tearing up damp grass. 印第安人动手拔了一些湿草。
cloth n.[u] material made from cotton, nylon, wool, etc布;织物
This cloth wears well. 这布耐穿。
custom n. a thing we usually do 习惯;风俗
It is a British custom to have a tree in the house at Christmas.
starter n. 第一道菜;开端
pray v. to ask somebody very seriously祈祷
I prayed for some way to save my future in the diamond department.
course n.[c] part of a meal 一道菜
The first course was soup. 第一道上的是汤。
n.[c] moving forwards 过程
Things go on in the course of nature. 事物按自然规律发展。
n.[c] planned programme of study 课程
I am taking an English course. 我在学英语课程。
breast n.[c] the top front part of the human body 胸部
The wheat was as high as the breast. 麦子高与胸齐。
tender adj. that you can bite or chew easily 嫩的
The leaves in spring are tender green. 春天的叶子是嫩绿的。
adj. kind; gentle温柔的
She is the tender of the two girls. 她是这两个女孩子中更温柔的一个。
flesh n.[u] soft part of a person's or animal's body, under the skin 肉
Tigers are flesh eating animals. 虎是食肉动物。
bone n.[c] one of the hard, white things in the body of a person or animal 骨头
These buttons are made of bones. 这些钮扣是骨头做的。
He was all skin and bone. 他骨瘦如柴。
raise vt. put up, lift something or someone up 举起
They raise glasses to the friendship between the two peoples.他们举杯为两国人民的友谊干杯。
vt. make prices, wages, etc. higher 提高
Salaries have now been raised. 现在薪水已增加了。
vt. keep animals, to make young animals 饲养
They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on. 他们靠养蚕等增加了收入。
sip vt. drink in small quantities 啜饮;抿一小口
He sipped his brandy. 他啜饮白兰地酒。
advice n.[u] what one says to help people; suggestion; opinion忠告;建议
I took my father's advice and went to the station early. 我听从父亲的劝告,很早就去车站了。
fashion n. way of dressing or doing something that people think best at a certain time 流行;时尚
These shoes are the latest fashion. 这些鞋子是最新的流行样式。
formal adj. according to rules or customs 正式的
My mother wore a long dress because it was a formal meal.
spirit n. (pl.) strong, alcoholic drink 烈性酒
Whisky and brandy are spirits. 威士忌和白兰地是烈性酒。
n. one's soul; the part of one that does not die with one s body 精神
They were playing the game in a friendly spirit. 他们本着友好的精神比赛。
n. (pl.) how one feels 情绪
His high spirits made all of us happy. 他情绪很高,(使)我们大家都很高兴。
impolite adj. not polite; talking or acting in a way makes other people sad, angry, etc. 无礼的;粗鲁的
You were impolite in not answering the question. 你不回答问题是不礼貌的。
mix vt. put different things together, bring different people together 混合;混淆
Don't mix business with pleasure. 不要把工作和娱乐搀和在一起。
wing n. the part of a bird or an aeroplane with which it flies 翅膀;机翼
A bird has wings instead of arms. 鸟有翅膀,没有手臂。
extra adj. more than usual 额外的
I had an extra serving of dessert. 我多吃了一份甜食。
comma n. punctuation mark (,) that makes a short stop in a sentence逗号(,)
leave out not put someone or something in 不算在内;省略;遗漏
We left Bob out of the team because he is ill. 我们没有把鲍勃算作队员,因为他病了。
You've made a mistake--you've left out the letter "t". 你出了一个错,漏掉了字母"t"。
childhood n. the time or state of being a child 童年时代
Childhood is blessed state. 童年时代是得天独厚的。
stare v. look at someone or something for a long time凝视;盯着看
She was staring out of the window. 她凝视着窗外。
stare at 盯着
make jokes about sb 以某人为笑柄
disabled adj. incapacitated by or as if by illness, injury, or wounds 残废的
Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers. 雇主受鼓励雇用残废的工人。

《高一上学期词汇解析Unit6 Good manners》由留学liuxue86.com编辑整理

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