2012年02月13日 10时21分,《2011年英语:英语论文:研究英语定语从句状语化及翻译[1]》由出国留学网liuxue86.com英语编辑整理.
Some nuclear reactors are used to produce the heat that runs machines for ships and for electric power plants.
[试译] 有些核反应堆是用来产生热能的,以开动轮船和发电厂的机器。
6 译成转折状语从句
英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句转折的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示转折关系的词语, 如“但是”等词, 并转译成汉语相应的从句。
She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.
[试译] 她对孩子很有耐心,可她的丈夫却常常不是如此。
When I look back on all these worries I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life,most of which had never happened.
[试译] 我每每回顾起这些忧虑时,就会想起一位老人在临终前说过的话:他也曾经有过诸多忧虑, 可这些忧虑大多没有发生。
The suit asks the court to block Kodak from selling its cameras,which it had planned to do starting this month in Canada and late next month in the US.
[试译] 原告要求法庭禁止科达公司出售其生产的相机,但该公司早已计划于本月几下月底分别在加拿大和美国出售。
7 成递进状语从句
The fact that the new alliance was locally generated and sustained should be a strong inducement to the US whose interests already dictate such support.
[试译] 新联盟是在当地形成并且得到了当地政府的有力扶持,这一情况对于美国来说应该具有很大的诱惑力,更何况美国自身的利益也要求它对新联盟给予支持。
8 译成时间状语从句
Congress,which had met to continue its protests to the Crown,found itself raising an army and selecting George Washington as its commander in chief.
[试译] 代表大会原先已经集合,决定继续向英皇提出抗议,而现在则发展到募集军队,并且推选乔治.华盛顿为总司令了。
It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.
[试译] 我原先打算元月份访华,后来不得不推迟,这使我深感不快。
Samuel O.Bruh was just an ordinary-looking citizen like you and me,except for a curious,shoe - shaped scar on his left cheek,which he got when he fell against a wagon - tongue in his youth.
[试译] 萨缪尔.布鲁这位老兄相貌平平,犹如你我,只不过是年少时有一回摔倒,撞在大车辕杆上,从此,左颊留下了一道疤痕;那疤痕倒也别致,形状像只小小的鞋印,令人感到好奇。
9 译成空间状语从句
英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有表明主句递进的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示空间顺序关系的词语, 如“在……”等词,并转译成汉语相应的从句。
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