1.表演艺术 performing art
2. 现代流行艺术 popular art, pop art
3. 纯艺术 high art
4. 高雅艺术 refined art
5. 电影艺术 cinematographic art
6. 戏剧艺术 theatrical art
7. 才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
8. 生 (男性正面角色) male (the positive male role)
9. 旦 (女性正面角色) female (the positive female role)
10. 净 (性格鲜明的男性配角) a supporting male role with striking character
11. 丑 (幽默滑稽或反面角色) a clown or a negative role
12. 花脸 painted role
13. 歌舞喜剧 musical
14. 滑稽场面, 搞笑小噱头 shtick
15. 滑稽短剧 skit
16. 京剧人物脸谱 Peking Opera Mask
17. 贵妃醉酒 Drunkened Concubine
18. 霸王别姬 Farewell to My Concubine
19. 说书 story-telling
20. 叠罗汉 make a human pyramid
21. 踩高跷 stilt walk
22. 哑剧 pantomime; mime
23. 哑剧演员 pantomimist
24. 戏剧小品 skit
25. 马戏 circus show
26. 单口相声 monologue comic talk, standup comedy
27. 特技表演 stunt
28. 相声 cross talk
29. 杂技 acrobatics
30. 京韵大鼓 the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment
31. 秦腔 Shaanxi opera
32. 武术 martial art
33. 功夫 kung fu
34. 武术门派 styles or schools of martial art
35. 习武健身 practice martial art for fitness
36. 气功 qigong, deep breathing exercises
37. 拳击 boxing
38. 太极 Tai Chi
39. 口技 ventriloquism
40. 样板戏 model opera
41. 木偶戏 puppet show
42. 皮影戏 shadow play
43. 折子戏 opera highlights
44. 刺绣 embroidery
45. 苏绣 Suzhou embroidery
46. 泥人 clay figure
47. 针灸 acupuncture
48. 推拿 medical massage
49. 切脉 feel the pulse
50. 中国画 traditional Chinese painting
51. 水墨画 Chinese ink and wash painting
52. 清明上河图 Riverside Scene on the Tomb-sweeping Festival
53. 中国结 Chinese knot
54. 青铜器 bronze ware
55. 瓷器 porcelain; china
56. 唐三彩 tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
57. 景泰蓝 cloisonne
58. 武术 martial arts
59. 儒家思想 Confucianism
60. 儒家文化 Confucian culture
61. 道教 Taoism
62. 墨家 Mohism
63. 法家 Legalism
64. 佛教 Buddhism
65. 孔子 Confucius
66. 孟子 Mencius
67. 老子 Lao Tzu
68. 庄子 Chuang Tzu
69. 墨子 Mo Tzu
70. 孙子 Sun Tzu
71. 书法 calligraphy
72. 象形文字 pictographic characters
73. 文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)
74. 《大学》The Great Learning
75. 《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean
76. 《论语》The Analects of Confucius
77. 《孟子》The Mencius
78. 《孙子兵法》The Art of War
79. 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms
80. 《西游记》Journey to the West
81. 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions
82. 《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes
83. 《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers
84. 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror
85. 《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals
86. 《史记》Historical Records
87. 《诗经》The Book of Songs
88. 《易经》the Book of Changes
89. 《礼记》The Book of Rites
90. 《左传》The Spring and Autumn Annals
91. 《离骚》Sorrow after Departure
92. 《战国策》Strategies of the Warring States
93. 《国策》Discourses of the States
94. 《道德经》Tao Te Ching
95. 《弟子规》Disciples Regulations
96. 《百家姓》Book of Family Names
97. 六艺:礼,乐,射,御,书,数 the classical Six arts: propriety, music, archery, riding,
writing, arithmetic
98. 《三字经》Three-character Scriptures
99. 八股文 eight-part essay
100. 五言绝句 five-character quatrain
101. 七言律诗 seven-character octave
102. 四书 the Four Books
103. 书经 The Books of History
104. 《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber
105. 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin
106. 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio
107. 《围城》 Fortress Besieged
108. 《阿 Q 正传》 The True Story of Ah Q
109. 福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity
110. 旗袍 cheongsam
111. 中山装 Chinese tunic suit
112. 唐装 Tang suit
113. 风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen
114. 阳历 solar calendar
115. 公历 Gregorian calendar
116. 阴历 lunar calendar
117. 天干 heavenly stem
118. 地支 earthly branch
119. 八卦 Eight Trigram
120. 五行说 the theory of Five Elements