

CNN NEWS:特朗普和希拉里胜出“超级星期二”

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2016-03-15 09:30


【 liuxue86.com - 英语考试 】


  [by:www.tingvoa.com - VOA英语网]


  [00:10.64]We're closing in on the first results from the blockbuster event of the primary season.

  [00:14.34]Everybody expects that the frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will do well this evening.

  [00:19.60]But the question is, how well?

  [00:21.09]BLITZER: And look at this: CNN can now project that Hillary Clinton is the winner in Georgia,

  [00:25.06]is the winner in Virginia as well.

  [00:28.28]Bernie Sanders, we project, wins his home state of Vermont.

  [00:31.31]It means so much to me that the people

  [00:34.42]who know me best have voted so strongly to put us in the White House.

  [00:39.13]BLITZER: Hillary Clinton will be the winner in both Alabama and Tennessee.

  [00:43.66]HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: What a Super Tuesday!

  [00:47.90]BLITZER: CNN projects Donald Trump will win Georgia,

  [00:52.59]will Alabama presidential primary, will carry Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

  [00:59.31]TED CRUZ (R-TX), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I ask you to prayerfully consider our coming together, united.

  [01:04.67]MARCO RUBIO (R-FL), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have been prepared all along

  [01:06.38] for an extended haul and if you look at the map now of the states that are to come,

  [01:10.24] that's where we're really going to start to catch fire.

  [01:12.43]DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm a unifier.

  [01:13.10]I know people are going to find that a little bit hard to believe, but believe me, I am a unifier.

  [01:16.67]TAPPER: I wish we could say we have some further clarity in either one of these races but we don't.

  [01:20.58]Underneath the wins and the losses is the reality that this is a delegate race.

  [01:25.25](END VIDEOTAPE)

  [01:25.61]CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Well, that sums it up --

  [01:27.39]the Super Tuesday presidential nomination contest in the U.S.

  [01:30.91]I'm Carl Azuz.

  [01:31.86]Welcome to the show.

  [01:33.03]No one Republican or Democrat swept all of the state contests,

  [01:37.05]but the party's frontrunners had the best day of the candidates.

  [01:40.47]On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State

  [01:43.15] Hillary Clinton took home victories in seven states.

  [01:46.01]Her competitor, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders won in four states.

  [01:50.08]On the Republican side, businessman Donald Trump took home victories in seven states.

  [01:55.59]Texas Senator Ted Cruz won in three states and one state chose Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

  [02:00.84]When candidates win states, they win delegates, and here's how that count looks so far:

  [02:06.67]A Democrat needs 2,383 delegates to win the party nomination.

  [02:10.58]Hillary Clinton has 1,074 total.

  [02:14.01]Bernie Sanders has 426.

  [02:15.65]A Republican needs 1,237 delegates for the party nomination.

  [02:20.22]As of last night, Donald Trump has 332, Ted Cruz has 230, Marco Rubio has 113.

  [02:28.32]What's next? Call it "Super Saturday".

  [02:30.96]On March 5th, voters in four states will choose their favorite Republican candidate.

  [02:36.01]Voters in three states will choose their favorite Democratic candidate.

  [02:39.45]Maine has a Democratic vote on Sunday.

  [02:41.86]At 52 years old, Scott Kelly is just getting used to gravity.

  [02:45.91]Oh, he lived with it before.

  [02:47.40]But last year, on March 27th,

  [02:49.64]the NASA astronaut travelled to the International Space Station,

  [02:52.81]and he didn't come back down to earth until late Tuesday night.

  [02:56.66]He's not the first person to be in orbit that long.

  [02:59.26]A Russian cosmonaut spent 438 days aboard the Mir space station in the 1990s.

  [03:06.26]But with the research gleaned from Captain Kelly and his identical twin brother back home,

  [03:11.20]NASA is hoping to get better prepared for long term space missions, like ones to other planets.

  [03:17.25]Some researchers say those kinds of missions aren't worth the tens of billions of dollars they cost.

  [03:22.17]But for now, others are hoping they can learn all they can from Scott Kelly's otherworldly effort.

  [03:27.53](BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

  [03:27.97]RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Astronaut Scott Kelly has broken some records.

  [03:30.74]He is the first American to spend at nearly a year in space.

  [03:35.03]SUBTITLE: Scott Kelly's year in space.

  [03:38.04]CRANE: It's been a long busy year for Kelly.

  [03:40.75]Of course, he's conducted space walks and experiments,

  [03:43.51] but he's also celebrated a birthday in space, monkeyed around,

  [03:47.33]given himself a flu shot,

  [03:51.45]consumed space grown lettuce and played gardener for space flowers.

  [03:54.56]In the absence of gravity, the human body does some bizarre things.

  [03:58.80]Your bones thin, muscles atrophy.

  [04:01.05]NASA astronauts have also detected cardiac arrhythmias,

  [04:04.61] and decreased heart function in spaceflight.

  [04:07.45]And about a third of American astronauts have developed vision problems.

  [04:11.01]To better understand these changes,

  [04:13.38]Kelly took part in a bunch of studies that tracked how his eyes,

  [04:17.16]his bones, his heart and even his brain changed due to the microgravity environment.

  [04:22.35]And NASA had the perfect specimen to compare him to --

  [04:26.01]his twin brother, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, who was here on earth.

  [04:30.36]NASA will continue to collect and analyze data from both Kellys over the coming year,

  [04:34.81]by comparing tests of the two,

  [04:36.77]the twin study gives scientists greater insight into the molecular

  [04:40.88] level changes that occur as a result of spaceflight.

  [04:43.59]Now, this is critical, because NASA's goal is to put boots on Mars by the 2030s.

  [04:49.73]In order to do that,

  [04:51.14]we have to have a better understanding of how to keep our future astronauts healthy and safe.

  [04:55.77]The data from Kelly's mission and the twin study will help NASA figure

  [05:00.40]out how to create and manage those safeguards.

  [05:02.45]While NASA isn't about to find another pair of astronaut twins anytime soon,

  [05:07.21]they do hope to conduct more long duration space missions, like Kelly's in the near future.

  [05:13.13](END VIDEOTAPE)

  [05:13.60]AZUZ: It's one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.

  [05:17.28]What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

  [05:21.44]While traveling from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China,

  [05:26.05]the plane disappeared on March 8th, 2014, almost two years ago.

  [05:30.38]It had 239 people on board.

  [05:32.40]A clue turned up last July, a flaperon.

  [05:34.77]Part of the aircraft's wing was found on Reunion Island,

  [05:39.22] about 1,300 miles east of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean.

  [05:43.10]Yesterday, authorities announced what might be another clue.

  [05:46.92]A piece of plane wreckage had washed up on Madagascar itself.

  [05:50.63]It's from the same model plane as Flight 370,

  [05:54.16]but Malaysia Airlines called the discovery speculative at this point.

  [05:57.97]Is this a piece of a very large and difficult possible?

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