

初中英语作文:初二英语作文 繁重的作业

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2011-11-03 01:59




【 liuxue86.com - 英语作文 】

摘要: In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. While it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy an



中考英语交际运用 36个考试热点总结

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  • In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. While it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults. High should be allowed more time for play. Plying is not wasting time, as some think. It gives them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination. Which tends to be stifled by too much study. Finally, the pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. I do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. I do think, however, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and to the society as a whole.


    课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 秋季班初一年级英语目标人大附四中班 15 2495 秋季班初一年级英语尖子班 15 2495 秋季班初二年级英语目标人大附四中班 15 2495 秋季班初二年级英语尖子班 15 2495 秋季班初三年级英语目标人大附四中班 15 2495

    咨询电话:010-52926678 (每天早10点至晚7点)

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