2011年08月08日 08时44分,《2011英语:2011自考英语(二)复习资料:UNIT15》由出国留学网liuxue86.com英语编辑整理.
Ⅳ.C-E Translation
Unit 15
I.Word Spelling
1.leap 2.vital 3.persist
4.conquer 5.universal 6.prolong
7.safeguard 8.possess 9.technician
10.obscure 11.genuine 12.certainty
13.analysis 14.raw 15.confidence
16.secondary 17.integrate 18.route
19.economics 20.PupilⅡ.Word Form
1.be regarded 2.involved 3.spreading
4.is pronounced 5.bursting 6.to enhance
7.rawest 8.to distinguish 9.growing
10.have been hiring
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Structure
1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B
Ⅳ.C-E Translation
1.The computer may promote undue confidence in concrete answers.
2.There is a tendency to confuse intelligence with insight. / Men tend to confuse intelligence w ith insight.
3.Men may not realize the need to come to terms w ith themselves.
4.The poet reminds men of their uniqueness.
5.To speculate on this question is a gain.
1. In education , there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge th at contribute_ __effective thinking and wise judgement. ( 00.10 )
A. at B. in C. for D. to
答案: D 。 考点:本题主要考查词组 contribute to “有助于 … ”
2. All the characteristics that distinguish birds__ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. (02.4)
A.. to B. between C. for D. from
答案: D 。 本题主要考查词组 distinguish … from “从 … 区别出”。
3. It is becoming increasingly clear to policy-makers_ _ schools cannot solve all the problems of the larger community. ( 02.10 )
A. that B. what C. when D. who 答案
答案: A 。 考点: 本句是一个主语从句,因此要填 that 。
1. 人们倾向于把智力和洞察力混为一谈。
答: There is a tendency to confuse intelligence with insight. / Men tend to confus e intelligence with insight.
2. 我们对计算机技术的最大需要是提高速度和减少体积。
答:Our biggest need in computer technology is not for increased speed and reduced size.
3. 诗人提醒人类注意自身的独特性。
答: The poet reminds men of their uniqueness.
4. 很遗憾他不能区别知识与智慧的不同。
答: It is regrettable that he fails to distinguish between knowledge and intellige nce.
5. 计算机可能使人们对具体问题的答案过分自信。
答: The computer may promote undue confidence in concrete answers .