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2014-05-04 15:47


【 liuxue86.com - 四六级英语 】

  Section B

  Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will he spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  Passage One

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  16. A) They have fallen prey to wolves.

  B) They have become a tourist attraction.

  C) They have caused lots of damage to crops.

  D) They have become a headache to the community.

  17. A) To celebrate their victory. C) To scare the wolves.

  B) To cheer up the hunters. D) To alert the deer.

  18. A) They would help to spread a fatal disease.

  B) They would pose a threat to the children.

  C) They would endanger domestic animals.

  D) They would eventually kill off the deer.

  Passage Two

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  19. A) She is an interpreter. C) She is a domestic servant.

  B) She is a tourist guide. D) She is from the royal family.

  20. A) It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.

  B) It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.

  C) It was frequently visited by heads of state.

  D) It is furnished like one in a royal palace.

  21. A) It is elaborately decorated.

  B) It has survived some 2,000 years.

  C) It is very big, with only six slim legs.

  D) It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.

  22. A) They are uncomfortable to sit in for long.

  B) They do not match the oval table at all.

  C) They have lost some of their legs.

  D) They are interesting to look at.

  Passage Three

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  23. A) It in an uncommon infectious disease.

  B) It destroys the patient’s ability to think.

  C) It is a disease very difficult to diagnose.

  D) It is the biggest crippler of young adults.

  24. A) Search for the best cure. C) Write a book about her life.

  B) Hurry up and live life. D) Exercise more and work harder.

  25. A) Aggressive. C) Sophisticated.

  B) Adventurous. D) Self-centered.

  Section C

  Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read fort the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words youhave just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you shouldcheck what you have written.


  It’s difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling, where childrenare not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents. (26)_______ and court decisions have made it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home, and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity. Some states require parents or a home tutor to meet teacher certification standards, and many require parents to completelegal forms to verify that their children are receiving (27) _______ in state-approved curricula.

  Supports of home education claim that it’s less expensive and far more (28)_______ thanmass public education. Moreover, they cite several advantages: alleviation of school overcrowding, strengthened family relationships, lower (29) _______ rates, the fact that students are allowed to learn at their own rate, increased (30) _______, higher standardized test scores, and reduced (31) _______ problems.

  Critics of the home schooling movement (32) _______ that it creates as many problems as it solves. They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages. Some parents who withdraw their children from the schools (33) _______ homeschooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children. Typically, parents have fewertechnological resources (34) _______ than do schools. However, the relatively inexpensivecomputer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way (35) _______ more highly structured classroom education.

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